Like Water For Chocolate is a Mexican film based on the book by Laura Esquivel which I haven't read but I might because I really loved the film. Something I like about Central/South American films and books is the involvement of magic realism, something I haven't come across as much in North American literature. This movie certainly had quite a bit of magical elements... it's set around the turn of the century (the costumes involved SO MUCH LACE) where the youngest daughter of a family, Tita, is forbidden to marry because her mother is a heartless old witch who says she must care for her her whole life. Anyways the man she loves marries her sister to be closer to her, and as Tita works in the kitchen her food has magical results that bring them closer... alright, don't want to spoil it.
I found this film very romantic and also very in touch with that romanticism if that makes any sense. I've always loved magic realism because besides Harry Potter I was never much one for fantasy, magic realism allows one to see magic in real life.
ta bien buena la plebe :D